

Acer Crimson Queen lacy foliage that emerges burgundy 3lt Pot

Original price was: £32.99.Current price is: £29.99.

Acer Crimson Queen lacy foliage that emerges burgundy cutleaf maple lacey foilge bright red in autumn 19 cm Pot 29.99 grow in pots or garden


lacy foliage that emerges burgundy red in the spring and is known for holding its red colour right through the summer, although sometimes fading slightly to reddish green. In autumn, the interest continues with ‘Crimson Queen’s feathery foliage turning vibrant crimson red.
Position: partial shade or full sun (but not south-facing)
Soil: fertile, moist, well-drained neutral to acid soil
Rate of growth: slow-growing
Hardiness: fully hardy.
Japanese maples are (deciduous) not evergreen, are small trees and are grown for their graceful habit in spring and autumn,

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Position: partial shade
Soil: fertile, moist, well-drained neutral to acid soil
Rate of growth: slow-growing
Flowering period: April to May
Hardiness: fully hardy

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