

sanguisorba ‘ pink tanna. deep pink bottlebrush-like flowerheads with pale pink stamens, 3 x 13 cm pots £13.99

Original price was: £15.99.Current price is: £13.99.

Pink Tanna’ is a herbaceous perennial, with pinnate leaves composed of many finely toothed dark green leaflets, and above them slender stems carrying deep pink bottlebrush-like flowerheads with pale pink stamens, from summer to early autumn.3 x 13 cm pots.£13.99



pink spikes are balanced on slender, wiry stems above a spreading clump of long, deeply divided leaves. densely packed, dark pink flowerheads with pale pink stamens in midsummer. They seem to hover in large numbers above the decorative mounds of attractive, fern-like foliage.

Position: full sun or partial shade
Soil: Poor-to-average, moist, well-drained soil
Rate of growth: average
Flowering period: June to September
Hardiness: fully hardy
height unto 90cm

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