
heucherella alabama sunrise evergreen.all year colour.13 cm pot. gold with red veins. In late summer the leaves turn green with red veins. In autumn, the older foliage turns amber-pink.



a stunning variety change colour with the seasons! The deeply cut foliage in spring to mid summer is gold with red veins. In late summer the leaves turn green with red veins. In autumn, the older foliage turns amber-pink. Small white flowers.
Prefers full sun, or partial shade with free-draining soil or compost.

Use it in a container, either on its own, or mixed with other Heucheras, Tiarellas and foliage plants. When finished use in the container it can be planted into the bed or border outside.



Flowering Time:

April – July

Height x Spread:

22 x 40 cm

Available to Order:

January – November

Recommend Sales:

February – November

If you need garden plants or artificial plants, call us on 07967 193 587.