Brand: Acer koto no ito 80-110cm in ht
this delightful Japanese maple, meaning harp strings, carries a striking resemblance to willow. The habit is upright with a cascading weeping effect. Leaves are palmate and very narrow, especially in spring unfolding bright green and darkening to mid-green in summer. Rich golden tones in autumn. Best in dappled shade. H6,3 LT pot
In Summer, the leaves are an apple-green colour, but unusually, as Autumn approaches they turn stunning shades of bronze and golden yellow before dropping. With smooth, light-green bark that adds excellent Winter interest, this is a stunning and highly unusual Acer worthy of any collection.
South-facing or West-facing or East-facing
Moist but well-drained
Loam, Clay, Sand, Chalk
Acid, Neutral