
Acer Japanese maple


in early spring it produces bright pink leaves, with dark coloured veins running through them, as the spring progresses, these become more pronounced with the leaves becoming more red. In summer the leaves darken and become more purple while the prominent black veins remain. in the autumn orange, red and purple

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Brand: Japanese maple Acer
Shirazz is another Japanese maple beauty with variegated foliage that changes colours throughout the growing season. The leaves are deciduous, deeply lobed but not in the dissectum group. They emerge rich cherry red and soon mature to mid green with white margins and pink shades of various depths until autumn. Then they turn brilliant carmine red with a little bit of yellow.

Planting Position: Will tolerate full sun but does better in lightly shaded areas. Plant away from exposed frosty sites, as late spring frosts may damage new foliage.

Soil: While acer plants are not fully fledged Ericaceous or Lime Hating plants they do prefer soil with a high Acid content.

Suitable for container planting: Yes equally as happy in the pot or the ground.

Eventual height and spread: Upto 2.5 metres tall with a 2.5 metre spread.

Growth Speed: Relatively slow.

Growth Habit: Upright and bushy.

Flowering Period: Not applicable.

Pruning: Not really a requirement. However if you choose to, hard Pruning should be done in the dormant months November through to early February. Some light pruning can also be undertaken during the growing season to help create a defined shape for your plant

Foliage: pink then green with a touch of red then dark red in Autumn

Evergreen: No deciduous

Winter Hardy:

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